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Inclusion is one of Nowhere's ten Principles, and the Inclusion Team exist to make Nowhere more accessible to more participants. We are currently recruiting for more members of the team, and if you have an idea for a way in which we can enable more people to enjoy Nowhere, do get in touch!

Physical Inclusion

For those with physical limitations which may make attending Nowhere more difficult, the Inclusion Team are there to help find solutions. Examples are a fridge for to storing medication, access to an electric wheelchair charging point, ramps, an accessible shower, and also carer tickets for those who require one.

Family Liaison

Children and families are welcome at Nowhere. <More blurb goes here.>

Low Income Inclusion

<Blurb goes here>

Queer/Trans/PoC Inclusion

<Blurb goes here>

Language Inclusion

<Blurb goes here>

Ohana House

Ohana House is a sober space open to all. The current structure is a large, shaded dome, decorated to be a calm, peaceful space. It is often used by families and children, but is open to everyone seeking a quieter space away from the hubbub and noise of the Barrios. There is a rota of Ohana Fairies who look after the space, and it can be used for appropriate workshops etc.

participantwellness/inclusion.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/25 21:30 by