====== Toolhaus Inventory Tool ====== There is an existing system that Toolhaus uses to control it's inventory, however no-one seems to know much about it and Geeks have been requested to assist. After consultation it might be better to rebuild it from scratch. ===== API's ===== * werker?wid= Retrieve all known details about Werker * tool?tid= Retrieve all known details about tool * checkout?wid=&tid= Checkout a tool to a Werker * checkin?tid= Mark a tool as returned * broken?tid= Set tool as broken * whohas?tooltype= Retrieve list of who has particular type of tool * mealping Show all Werkers who have a tool checked out * stats Retrieve all stats * addwerver?lots Add a Werker to the system * updatewerker?wid=&newid= Update a Werker on the system * addtool?lots Add a tool to the system * updatetool?lots Update tool details